Employment prospects in Ethiopia discussed

ADIS ABABA, October 2019: The Asia Pacific Group of Ambassadors representing Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka visited Mekelle, capital of the Tigray Regional State of Ethiopia on 4 October 2019.

The host state rolled out an elaborate 3-day programme  including  visits to the industrial park in Mekelle, the historical Al-Nejashi mosque and Mekelle University and meetings with the Chairperson of the Regional Investment Commission, Chairperson of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Tigray and officials of the Tigray Regional Government.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union Commission, Sumith Dassanayake had a meeting with the President of Tigray Regional State, Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael. The Ambassador sought more employment opportunities for Sri Lankan nationals at the industrial parks in the Tigray region. He also briefed the Regional President on the political and economic developments being taken place in Sri Lanka. Ambassador Sumith Dassanayake also requested the assistance of the regional Government to attract Ethiopian investors and tourists to Sri Lanka.

The Regional President assured more opportunities for Sri Lankans and requested the Ambassador to arrange a high level business delegation from Sri Lanka to visit his region. He also informed that opportunities are available for investment in the fields of energy, mineral industries and agro business.




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