Sri Lanka highlights importance of education in the protection of rights of children and youth

GENEVA, October 2019: Speaking at the 2019 Social Forum of the Human Rights Council on 1 October in Geneva, the  Sri Lankan delegation highlighted the importance of education, a fundamental human right that lies at the core of the 2030 Development Agenda, in the promotion and protection of human rights of children and youth and the transformative power it entails.

At the multi stakeholder meeting, which brought together government representatives, inter-governmental organisations, civil society and the academia, Ambassador Abdul Azeez, Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva noted that all children and youth have an equal right to an education in a safe and secure setting irrespective of their gender, family income levels, religion, ethnicity, or geographical location.  He said that a hate-free atmosphere that inculcates in children and youth the value of inclusivity and diversity is a crucial element in education also helps build lasting peace and contributes to the strengthening of the social fabric.

“Access to quality education that ensures that no child is left behind is essential to empower children and youth, provide access to gainful employment and earning potential, alleviate poverty, bring about upward mobility and achieve sustainable development goals. Further, while almost one billion children attend school daily around the world, this does not always result in learning due to the lack of security, dearth of trained teachers and learning material, poor nutrition and inadequate health care,” Ambassador Azeez said.

“The 3rd International Conference on Safe Schools held in Spain in May this year discussed the need for safety and protection at schools for an atmosphere conducive to learning, while the International Youth Day in August 2019, focused on transformative education to make education more relevant, equitable and inclusive to contribute towards achievement of the sustainable development agenda. This forum can take these discussions further forward, “Ambassador Azeez added.

Observing that the Forum coincided with the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Ambassador Azeez stressed  that empowering children and youth through access to quality education and ensuring that no child is left behind, is key to achieving sustainable development goals. He shared Sri Lanka’s experiences in providing education to all and its commitment to promote and protect the right to education for all its citizens as enshrined in Sri Lanka’s laws and regulations.

He added that in order to ensure the special education needs of children with disabilities, 714 schools provide special education through designated units in government schools for disabled children while there is also a special scheme of university admissions for persons with disabilities.

“Such measures have resulted in remarkable social indicators in Sri Lanka in recent years, such as high enrolment rates in education, reduction of school drop-outs and universal primary education reaching 99.7% in 2014,” Ambassador Azeez said.

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