Sri Lankans around the world showcase unity in diversity at Xmas celebrations

LONDON, December 2019: As the world’s Christian population, estimated to be over two billion, celebrated Christmas across the world, Sri Lankans living and working overseas also commemorated the birth of Jesus Christ at an array of cultural and religious activities organised by Sri Lankan missions abroad. The underlying message that was conveyed at the various functions was that Christmas was a time for peace and harmony in the world while it also was an opportunity to showcase the importance of unity in diversity, especially given Sri Lanka’s multi-religious composition. The celebrations held at different capitals featured the participation of religious leaders and community members from the different faiths that are followed in Sri Lanka.


The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Canberra celebrated Christmas with the participation of the Sri Lankan community at the High Commission premises, which was illuminated with Christmas decorations.  The Rev. Father Steve Nation led Christmas prayers in English and highlighted the meaning of Christmas, co-existence with other faiths and how it’s empathetic towards other religions.  Rev. Father Ruwan Pradeep delivered the Christmas message trilingually in Sinhala, Tamil and English highlighting the significance of celebration of Christmas by communities around the world.

Christmas carols were sung in Sinhala, Tamil and English by the members of the Australia – Sri Lanka Association (ASLA) and the Canberra Tamil Christian Fellowship (CTCF) along with the members of the High Commission staff. Live music was provided by the “Nada Roo’, a popular Music Group based in Canberra.

Addressing the gathering, High Commissioner J.C. Weliamuna said that Christmas is celebrated across the world with immense joy and happiness, symbolising very deeply the peace, harmony and tranquillity among all humans. He expressed appreciation to all community members for their active participation at the Christmas celebrations.


The Sri Lanka High Commission in Canada in coordination with the Good Shepherd Church in Ottawa organised a Christmas celebration at the Church premises.

The celebrations commenced with the welcome address by Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Canada, Asoka Girihagama who spoke of the universal event of Christmas which marked the birth of Christ over 2000 years ago. He stated that Christmas was a time to remember those who were less privileged, the sick, the hungry and the poor and the importance of treating one another with love and compassion. He also remembered the victims of the senseless terror attacks in  Sri Lanka, which occurred eight month ago.

The High Commissioner’s address was followed by a holy Mass conducted by Reverend Father Virgil Amirthakumar and Father Yacob Joseph. Hymns and Christmas carols in Sinhala, Tamil and English languages were rendered by the Tamil Group and the Ottawa-Sri Lanka Catholic Prayer Group.

Following the Vote of Thanks, the guests were served light refreshments and freshly brewed Ceylon Tea, complements of the Sri Lanka Tea Board and Basilar, while children were delighted to interact with Santa Claus who distributed candy to the young guests.

The Christmas celebration was well attended by over 200 Sri Lankan nationals, Canadians of  Sri Lankan origin and Canadians among others.


Christmas celebrations were organised at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Cairo  in collaboration with the Sri Lankan community living in Egypt.

At the commencement of the programme, Ambassador Mrs. Damayanthie Rajapakse extended her warm greetings to the guests on the joyous occasion by highlighting the significance of Christmas.

With the sponsorship of the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment, the Embassy of Sri Lanka invited Reverend Father Jude Amila Fernando to Egypt, in order to conduct the religious services to the Sri Lankan Community living in Egypt. Thereafter, the Christmas programme consisted of a series of Christmas rituals in which the Sri Lankans living in Egypt were given the opportunity to make their confessions to the Priest and to attend the Mass and the Holy Communion conducted by the Reverend Priest. The staff of the mission joined the Sri Lankan Community in reciting Christmas Carols, along with entertainment provided by  Santa Claus at the embassy premises.

The Christmas ceremony was conducted with the twin objectives of facilitating the Sri Lankan community to follow sacred religious rituals and at the same time to rejoice and celebrate Christmas with their families and friends.

The programme included a Healing Service rendered by the Reverend Father Jude Amila Fernando.

The events were attended by a large number of Sri Lankans from Catholic, Christian and other communities as well. It was made colourful and vibrant, resembling the Christmas ambience while participants and guests enjoyed sumptuous meals and refreshments arranged by the Sri Lankan community.


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Berlin, in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Association, celebrated Christmas at the Embassy premises. Rev. Father Tom Mulanjany, from the St. Wincent Church, Berlin, who was invited for the event, highlighted the significance of Christmas in terms of spreading peace and harmony among the mankind. Addressing the gathering, Ambassador Eng. Karunasena Hettiarachchi, indicated that the Embassy is endeavored to celebrate events belonging to all faiths, respecting the religious and cultural diversity and harmony of Sri Lankans living in Germany.

The evening featured Christmas carols, performed by the members of the Sri Lankan community. The Christmas ambiance, created in the venue was enhance by the presence of Santa, who distributed gifts and Christmas delicacies among the children. The guests were entertained with music and dinner, arranged by the Embassy.

A large number of Sri Lankans living in Berlin, participated in the celebrations which concluded with a note of happiness and unity as a prelude to a happy and prosperous new year.

At another event, the Consulate General of Sri Lanka participated in the traditional ‘Christmas Tea’ at the Emperors’ Hall of the Römer, Frankfurt City Council at the invitation of the International Women’s Club of Frankfurt e.V. (IWC).

The ‘Christmas Tea’ event was inaugurated by Uwe Becker, Deputy Mayor and Financial Administrator of the City of Frankfurt am Main. Among the other distinguished guests were Sri Lanka’s Consul General, Frankfurt, Mrs. M. Weninger and Roseann Padula, President of the International Women’s Club of Frankfurt e., as well as top diplomats of many other foreign missions.
A variety of traditional food from many parts of the world were on offer at the event and the Sri Lankan food and Ceylon Tea corner attracted many guests. They expressed delight at being introduced to Sri Lankan treats and were particularly taken by the unique flavors of Ceylon Tea and Sri Lankan refreshments.

Around 500 club members representing more than 50 nationalities, special invitees and the Consular Corps participated in the event. The IWC is a non-profit Association based in Frankfurt which aims to overcome differences between nations and cultures through contacts and thus contribute to peace and friendship in the world.In the spirit of the festive season, the IWC choir performed “songs of the world” and sang a variety of Christmas songs from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe.


The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Mumbai held its annual Christmas celebrations at the Mission premises. The event was attended by a large gathering of Sri Lankans representing Sri Lanka Navy, Army, Air force officials and trainees in Maharashtra State, Sri Lankan students in Pune and the senior State officials.

Welcoming the gathering, Consul General Chamari Rodrigo thanked the Archbishop of Mumbai, His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias for his support in organizing Christmas celebrations for the second consecutive year in the Consulate. While remembering the victims of the Easter Attack, the Consul General noted that the country has recovered within a short period of time and emerged as a strong and resilient nation.

“Peace loving Sri Lankans representing all faiths united to celebrate the Vesak soon after the Easter attack. In this background, Sri Lankans celebrate the Christmas with its true spirit and universal message of peace and harmony reflecting mutual respect that prevails for all religious faith in Sri Lanka”, she added.

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel from the Archbishop House in Mumbai delivered special Christmas blessings for Sri Lankans while highlighting the significance of Christmas.

‘Sound of the Season’, an Indian Choir in Mumbai performed for the first time popular Sinhala Carols “Ra Tharu Babalanawa” and “Kalakata Pera Ea” together with Sri Lankan and Indian guests.

The guests were treated with Sri Lankan food, especially the live Hopper and Kottu Roti stations set up by four Chefs from the Sri Lankan Air force, which added a distinctive Sri Lankan flavour to the Christmas celebrations in Mumbai.


The Ambassador and staff of the Sri Lanka Embassy in Jakarta and members of the Sri Lankan community celebrated Christmas with orphans who ranged in age from 21 months to 17 years, at the Children’s Orphanage “Karena Kasih” in Jakarta.

The event included Christmas carols, a visit by Santa Claus, fun and games and a refreshments menu based on preferences indicated by the children.

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Tel Aviv celebrated Christmas  along with the Sri Lankan community in Israel at the Embassy premises.

Rev. Father Harald Leo Meril Peiris of Diocese of Galle and Procurator of Bishop of Galle who is on a visit to Israel during the festive season gave a sermon on celebrating Christmas in its true spirit. Rev. Sister Superior Josephin Fernando, Rev. Sister Anusha Fernando of Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help under the Jerusalem Patriarchate and Pastor Lakshmi Narayana joined Rev. Father Peiris in invoking blessings on the participants.

Addressing the gathering, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Israel, Waruna Wilpatha highlighted the significance of spreading the message of peace and compassion to all and requested the Sri Lankan community in Israel to continue with their valuable contribution to uplift the social and economic standards in Sri Lanka.

The event also included Christmas Carols sung by the Sri Lankan community groups. The event concluded with the serving of Christmas dinner comprising of Sri Lankan cuisine to the participants by the staff of the Embassy. The Chancery was illuminated with colorful Christmas decorations


The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Milan, Italy together with “Milan Kithunu Sangha”, celebrated Christmas at Centro Asteria theatre Hall in Milan.  The occasion was chaired by Rev. Father Don Alberto Vitali, who oversees the Christian expatriate communities in Milan. At the onset of the event, Rev. Father Deshan Perera, Chaplain of Milan, invoked blessings upon participants and Sri Lankans. The Consul General, Denzil Fonseka and Rev. Father Prinky Roshan, too, addressed the occasion. The performances by “Kithunu Sangha” troupes of different age groups, including Christmas carols, dancing, Music and drama, added charm, fascination and colour to the spiritual event. Santa Claus distributed gifts among children who participated in the event.

The “Milan Kithunu Sangha”, under the guidance of Rev. Fathers from Italy and those from Sri Lanka, provides an immense service to the migrant Sri Lankan community in Millan in many aspects, in addition to the valuable spiritual and educational services and guidance provide to the community.

The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Milan celebrates Christmas annually, bound to the concept of reaching out to the Sri Lankan migrant community in Milan and in Italy and of celebrating main Sri Lankan cultural and religious events with their participation and support.


The Sri Lanka High Commission in Nairobi organised a Christmas and year-end event at the ‘Sri Lanka House’ with the participation of over 200 Sri Lankans living in Kenya. Addressing the gathering, High Commissioner Sunil De Silva reiterated the importance of Christmas for a peaceful world and explained how the society can be benefited by following Christian values. High Commissioner De Silva also explained how the Christmas season can bring joy, peace and harmony in the minds of all human beings.

Children from the Mogra Children’s home in Nairobi presented the Christmas carols for the second consecutive year and ‘Santa’ brought gifts to all children who were present at the event. With the contributions made by the Sri Lankan community in Kenya, donations worth more than 100,000 Kenyan Shillings were handed over to the Mogra Children’s home by the High Commissioner.


In coordination with Sri Lankan migrant community, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Lebanon celebrated Christmas at the Embassy premises  with the participation of over 100 migrant workers.

The Celebrations commenced with the Two-minute silence in respect of the victims of Easter Sunday attacks.

Addressing the gathering, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Lebanon, Shani Calyaneratne Karunaratne highlighted the significance of Christmas. She also paid respect to the victims of the Easter Sunday terror attacks in Sri Lanka and emphasized the importance of peace and forgiveness.

Carols that were sung by the choir of “Seela Samadhi Sadaham Ekamuthuwa” in Lebanon were very well received by guests and migrant workers alike. All participants were served with a Sri Lankan meal.


The Sri Lankan community in Saudi Arabia organised their annual celebration of Christmas in the Embassy premises with the participation of the Sri Lankan community members representing all faiths.

This evening featured junior and senior choirs singing Christmas carols in Sinhala, Tamil and English while the Embassy staff from all faiths also joined in. The highlight of the event was the Christmas musical drama on the birth of Jesus Christ (nativity play) presented by a group of children in the style of Sri Lankan traditional liturgical ‘passion plays’.

Addressing the gathering the Guest of Honour of the event Sunil Joseph of the Embassy of India in Riyadh, said that Jesus’s message to this world is about peace and harmony and we all have to come together to spread this message among all. He thanked the Sri Lanka Christian community for organizing a Christmas event while encompassing community members of all faiths.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Saudi Arabia, Azmi Thassim referred to Sri Lanka as a multicultural pluralistic society and the true spirit of Christmas and its message of peace and harmony has been reflected even in this gathering where people of the Christian and all other faiths have come together to celebrate this joyful occasion.

Being the last event of the social calendar of the Embassy, New Year greetings for 2020 were also extended to all community members at this event.

The annual kids painting exhibition depicting the life of Jesus and meaning of Christmas was also held parallel to this event.

This event was attended by a large gathering of Sri Lankans living in Saudi Arabia with their families.

The guests were also treated with a dinner comprising traditional Sri Lankan cuisine with special Christmas delicacies.


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Manila celebrated Christmas at the Sri Lanka Residence focusing on the theme of communal harmony depicting the multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious nature of the country.

Religious leaders representing the four major beliefs, the Sri Lankan community and the Filipinos comprising the friends of Sri Lanka were invited to the event, which was aimed at promoting understanding and tolerance among people of diverse cultures, beliefs and origin in pursuit of peace.

In line with the Christmas message of reaching out, the Embassy invited the Children’s Joy Foundation Inc., an organization which advocates for the welfare of poor, neglected and destitute children, to join hands with the Sri Lankans in commemoration of the holiday.

Christmas is an important religious festival celebrated in the Philippines with over eighty-five percent of the population being Catholics. The Embassy celebrated the occasion with the goal of extending bonds of friendship and promoting people-to-people interaction in sustaining cordial bilateral relations between the nations.

The event commenced with the singing of the national anthem followed by the lighting of the traditional oil lamp. Thereafter, a Catholic rite and prayer was officiated by Fr. Maximus Pushpakumar. In his message, he reiterated the true meaning of Christmas with emphasis on the virtues of charity and humility.

In her remarks, Ambassador Shobini Gunasekera highlighted that the celebration of Christmas focuses on its real meaning and spirit: peace, love and compassion which is a universal message not only grounded in Christianity but also propagated by other religions.

She also conveyed that there are more reasons in common for people to unite than divide and requested both Sri Lankans and Filipinos to work together to find opportunities for development and prosperity of the two countries.

Inspirational messages depicting the true message of the festival were also delivered by other religious leaders representing the Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim clergy.

Afterwards, the Embassy staff, together with their families, serenaded the crowd with their rendition of carols in English and Sinhala, followed by the special performance of the representatives of the Children’s Joy Foundation and Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple. The program was concluded with the arrival of “Santa Claus” who distributed gifts and candy to audience with Sri Lankan food and delicacies being served to the invitees.


The High Commission of Sri Lanka in the United Kingdom held its annual Christmas Celebrations at the High Commission premises with multi-faith leaders, representation from the Church of England and the British Government, and the British Sri Lankan community of all faiths.  The Head of South Asia Department and India Policy Co-ordinator of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Fergus Auld attended the event as the Chief Guest.

The event commenced with Christian religious observances led by the Chaplain of the Sri Lankan Catholic Sinhala Speaking Community Reverend Father Sudham Perera who bestowed blessings on the people gathered. Father Perera, whose church in Sri Lanka – St. Sebastian Church Katuwapitiya – was affected by the Easter Sunday tragedy, emphasised in his sermon the need for compassion, forbearance and peaceful coexistence among people.  The Chaplain of the Sri Lankan Catholic Tamil Speaking Community Reverend Father Elmo Arulnesan highlighted the significance of Christmas and its universal message of love and sharing through a reading from the Bible.

Acting High Commissioner Samantha Pathirana welcomed all religious leaders, dignitaries, the British Sri Lankan community including children present at this year’s celebrations. He highlighted the inclusive manner in which Christmas is celebrated in Sri Lanka, which is reflective of the country’s rich multi-cultural heritage as well as peace and coexistence nurtured by all peoples.  The Acting High Commissioner also highlighted the significance of the visit to Sri Lanka by The Archbishop of Canterbury The Right Hon. The Most Reverend Justin Welby in the aftermath of the Easter Sunday tragedy, during which he visited affected churches and met some of the victims.

Addressing the gathering, Chief Guest Fergus Auld, while wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, highlighted the universal message of love and peace of Christmas and extended the UK Government’s deep appreciation to the Government and the people of Sri Lanka for the support extended to British victims of the Easter Sunday bombings.  He reiterated the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury who visited Sri Lanka, that the duty of religious leaders is to resist extremism and promote peace and dialogue.

Reverend Canon Mark Poulson, Canon for Presence and Engagement and Interfaith Relations, St. Paul’s Cathedral London, London Diocese of the Church of England who represented the Bishop of London at the event recalled in his address his memorable visit to Sri Lanka 20 years ago where he remarked the religious freedom existing in the country. Affirming the rights of all people to worship free from intimidation, threats or violence, Canon Paulson highlighted the significance of the message of Jesus Christ ‘Blessed are the Peace Makers’.

Member of the House of Lords and longstanding friend of Sri Lanka, The Lord Mohamed Sheikh, in his Christmas Message remarked on the importance of interfaith dialogue and the promotion of harmony among people of all faiths.

The gathering joined the Choir in singing popular Christmas Carols in Sinhala, Tamil and English. The children of the Chaplaincies and staff of the High Commission took part in the Carol Service. The event also included a nativity play by the children of the Sinhala Chaplaincy, and dance performances by children from the Bethany Church, Southall and the Tamil Chaplaincy. The arrival of Santa Claus laden with gifts for children was a highlight of the evening. The Vote of Thanks was delivered by the Minister (Commercial) of the High Commission, Dr. Lakmini Mendis.

The ceremony included the observance of two minutes’ silence to commemorate the victims of the Easter Sunday tragedy in Sri Lanka.  The celebration was also attended by religious leaders of the Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim faiths led by The Most Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala, Chief Priest of the London Buddhist Vihara, and a large segment of the British Sri Lankan community.  The guests were also treated to a Christmas dinner.


On the occasion of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the staff of the Sri Lankan Embassy together with their families and friends celebrated Christmas at the chancery premises in Washington DC  in a spirit of unity and harmony.

The event, which was organised in recognition and appreciation of Sri Lanka’s multi -religious, multi -cultural and multi – ethnic diversity, brought together members of all faiths, in a truly Christmas festive setting, amidst the sounds of Christmas Bells, Christmas Choir, Traditional Christmas Tree, Santa Claus, Christmas Gifts, among other attractions.

The evening of festivities began with the lighting of the Christmas Tree followed by the observance of two-minute silence in honor and remembrance of victims of the Easter Sunday bomb attacks and those who died in the Boxing Day Tsunami.

Delivering special remarks, Ambassador Rodney Perera welcomed the guests and appreciated their commitment and support in putting together an evening of activities to mark Christmas. While noting that the essence of Christmas is the expression of loving kindness and compassion with families and friends, Ambassador Perera laid emphasis on the importance of the art of giving, sharing as well forgiving, with one another in a sense of tolerance and generosity. He conveyed his best wishes for a joyful Christmas and New Year filled with peace, happiness and prosperity to all and expressed hope that the celebration of Sri Lanka’s traditions and annual festivities will go a long way in further strengthening friendship and relations with members of the Sri Lankan community in the US.

The members of the Embassy Choir, elegantly dressed in typical Christmas attire, presented Christmas Carols which included recitals of both Sri Lankan and international Christmas songs which were well received by the audience of guests and well wishers. A special feature of the occasion was the participation of very young children in the choir. The devotional Christmas songs presented in a festive mood rekindled Christmas spirits and bestowed blessings on all.

Towards the end of the evening, Santa Claus emerged and presented chocolates and gifts to all. The evening concluded with a Sri Lankan buffet dinner hosted by the Embassy.





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