Sri Lankans overseas celebrate Independence Day with great fervour

Sri Lanka’s new Consul General Nalinda Wijerathna plants a Neem tree sapling at the premises of Sri Lanka’s Consulate General for Dubai and the Northern Emirates.

DUBAI, February 2020: In a show of solidarity and unity, Sri Lankans across the world participated with great fervour at celebrations organised by foreign missions to mark the country’s 72nd Independence Day which fell on 4 February. The ceremonies at each of the missions included the lighting of the traditional oil lamp while religious dignitaries representing the Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and Islamic faiths conducted religious observances and invoked blessings upon the country, the government and the people of Sri Lanka. At the various functions, mission officials read the Independence Day messages of the President, Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Relations of Sri Lanka. The celebrations at each of the diplomatic missions concluded with the serving of traditional Sri Lankan sweetmeats  and  refreshments to all the guests and participants.

In the UAE, a special ceremony to mark Independence Day was organised by the Consulate General of Sri Lanka to Dubai and Northern Emirates,  The ceremony, which was inaugurated by Sri Lanka’s Consul General to Dubai and Northern Emirates, Nalinda Wijerathna, attracted a large gathering of Sri Lankan expatriates including members and officials of a number of Sri Lankan associations and community leaders living in Dubai and Northern Emirates.

In his address to the gathering,  Consul General Nalinda Wijerathna highlighted the fact that the island’s tourism industry is now back on track and the number of tourist arrivals is continuing to increase. He also observed that mega development projects in Sri Lanka including Port City and the construction of expressways are now in their final stages of completion. The Port City has completed land reclamation and is now open for investors.  Citing these developments, he invited the Sri Lankan expatriate community in UAE to join hands and be a part of Sri Lanka’s success story. Speaking further, the Consul General highlighted the friendly and cordial relationship between Sri Lanka and the United Arab Emirates which goes back to an era well before the establishment of formal bilateral diplomatic relations in 1979, more than forty years ago.

During the event, the Consul General planted a Neem tree sapling in the Consulate General premises in line with the ‘Green’ initiative of the government. The celebrations concluded with the serving of traditional Sri Lankan delicacies,  refreshments and Ceylon Tea to all the guests and participants.


The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Canberra commemorated the 72nd Anniversary of Independence with a formal flag hoisting ceremony with the participation of a wide cross section of the Sri Lankan community living in Canberra , at the High Commission premises. The ceremony commenced with the hoisting of the national flag of Sri Lanka by the Acting High Commissioner, followed by the singing of the national anthem of Sri Lanka. Two minutes silence was observed to pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives to protect the freedom, unity, sovereignty and integrity of Sri Lanka.
Senior Sri Lankan citizens representing Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and Burgher communities living in Canberra joined the Acting High Commissioner in lighting of the traditional oil lamp.
The Acting High Commissioner addressing the gathering extended warm wishes to all on the occasion of the 72nd Anniversary of Independence and reiterated the vision of the new leadership as stated in the ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour’. As Sri Lanka is forging ahead for a new era under the new leadership the Acting High Commissioner encouraged all Sri Lankans living in Australia to join hands in whatever possible way to support the development of Sri Lanka.
A photo exhibition depicting the historical aspects of Sri Lanka was also organised at the High Commission premises. The ceremony concluded with the serving of traditional Sri Lankan breakfast including milk rice and sweetmeats.


At the Consulate General office in Sydney a large gathering of over 350 people were present for the Independence Day Reception. The Chief Guest was Governor of the NSW Government Margaret Beazley AO QC and she was accompanied by her spouse Dennis Wilson. In addition, Minister of Finance and Small Business Damien Tudehope represented Premier of New South Wales, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer and Leader of the Legislative Council Scott Farlow represented the Acting Minister of Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans while the members of the Sri Lankan community and business leaders also participated.

During the keynote address the Governor expressed that Sri Lanka and Australia are enjoying a cordial relationship for many years and wished to improve bilateral trade links between both countries in near future. Minister Damien Tudehope stated that Sri Lanka is a wonderful island with many valuable features and during his last visit to Sri Lanka, he has seen the nature, historical places, wildlife, fauna & flora of the country. He specially mentioned that Sri Lanka is the best honeymoon destination for Australians.

Consul General M.H.M.N. Bandara welcomed the guests and also  briefed them about the bushfire relief activities conducted by the Sri Lankan community in Australia.

The cultural organisations based in Sydney staged  traditional performances at the event, which concluded with the Consulate General office hosting a dinner for all the participants.


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in the Kingdom of Bahrain commemorated Independence Day with the participation of Sri Lankans residing in Bahrain and friends of Sri Lanka at the Embassy premises. The official programme commenced with the hoisting of the National Flag by Ambassador Pradeepa Saram. Thereafter, the singing of the National Anthem followed by two minutes’ silence in remembrance of all those who sacrificed their lives for the nation were observed. The ceremony included a speech by Ambassador Saram and serving of refreshments including ‘kiribath’ and traditional sweet meats. Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim members of the community participated in the ceremony.
As part of Sri Lanka’s 72nd Anniversary of Independence and the 28th Anniversary of the establishing of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Embassy will be organising a mega “Sri Lankan Cultural Evening” on 27 February 2020 at Bahrain Cultural Centre, in collaboration with the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA). The Embassy will also conduct a three day “Trade Promotional Event” in partnership with Lulu International of Bahrain, on 26, 28 & 29 February 2020. The Cultural and Trade Promotion Events will be featured by a well-known Sri Lankan dancing ensemble “Channa-Upuli” and a “Live Sri Lankan Culinary Show” depicting Sri Lankan culture and cuisine.



The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Dhaka celebrated Independence Day at the High Commission premises. Over 150 Sri Lankans residing in Bangladesh and well-wishers were present at the event, which commenced with the Charge d’ Affaires hoisting the national flag amidst the playing of “Magul Bera”. The National Anthem of Sri Lanka was sung thereafter, followed by the observance of two-minute silence in remembrance of all patriots who sacrificed their lives to preserve and protect the freedom, unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the motherland.
The lighting of the traditional oil lamp took place while students of the Sri Lanka school sang the “Jayamangala Gathaa”. Multi religious observances on this occasion were conducted by Buddhist, Hindu, Islam and Catholic religious dignitaries to usher blessings of peace and prosperity to the Nation. Traditional milk rice and Sri Lankan sweetmeats were served to the gathering at the conclusion of the ceremony.


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Belgium celebrated the 72nd National Day of Sri Lanka in Brussels. The flag hoisting ceremony was held on 04 February 2020 with the participation of Sri Lankan community in Belgium. The Embassy also hosted a diplomatic reception on 05 February 2020 which was attended by diplomats, parliamentarians, officials from the European Union, government officials, members of the business community, tour operators, journalists and others. Both events were hosted at the official residence of the Ambassador Grace Asirwatham
Ambassador Asirwatham in her address urged the Sri Lankan community to participate in the economic development related activities in Sri Lanka and contribute towards reconciliation and building a prosperous nation. The diplomatic reception hosted on the occasion of the National Day was graced by Chairperson of the Belgium-Sri Lanka Parliamentary Friendship Group Senator Allessia Claes and Deputy Managing Director of EU/EEAS Paola Pampaloni as guests of honour and representatives from the Belgium Parliament and the European Union. National Anthems of Sri Lanka, Belgium and the European Union were played at the reception followed by remarks by the Ambassador and the guests of honour on the status of bilateral relations between Sri Lanka and Belgium as well as the European Union. The members of Sri Lanka Army Cultural Troupe performed dances and Sri Lankan traditional meals and Ceylon tea were served to the guests.



The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Brasília celebrated Independence Day at the embassy premises. The event, attended by Sri Lankan expatriate community and embassy staff, began with the hoisting of the national flag by Ambassador Musthafa M. Jaffeer and delivering of messages from the President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. The embassy also hosted a reception, later in the evening, at Porto Vittoria, Asa Sul to celebrate the National Day and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and Brazil this year. A large number of Brazilian government representatives, high officials, diplomatic corps, business community, academia, journalists, religious dignitaries and Sri Lankan expatriates attended this event.
Underscoring the milestone of 60 years of diplomatic relations with Brazil, Ambassador Jaffeer affirmed Sri Lanka’s desire to engage with the country more vigorously to bring dividents, especially, in economic sector.

The Director General of Department of India, South and South East Asia, Maria Izabel Veira, representing the Brazilian Government, stated that Brazil was proud to host the sole Sri Lankan embassy in South America since 2001. Noting the dialogue established at high and parliamentary levels, Ms Maria stressed the need to increase the trade, investment and tourism flow from both countries which are currently below their potential.Visitors to the reception experienced sumptuous dishes from Sri Lanka and samples of variety of teas from the country.

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Brasília in the coming months has planned to host a number of commemorative events in Brasilia, in collaboration with Brazilian authorities, to mark the sixtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, including a Sri Lankan photographic exhibition and a film festival.


The Sri Lanka High Commission in Canada celebrated the Independence Day amidst a large gathering at the official residence of the High Commissioner in Ottawa. Addressing the large gathering present, High Commissioner Girihagama epressed appreciation for the pivotal role played by the committed Sri Lankan community across Canada for their wholehearted support in the development of Sri Lanka. He also called on the expatriate Sri Lankan community in Canada to work together to pave the path of prosperity with peace, unity and harmony. Dana was offered to the venerable members of the Buddhist clergy and lunch for the respected religious dignitaries from the Hindu, Islam and Christian faiths, who attended the event. The programme concluded with the cutting of a cake and serving of a sumptuous lunch for the  guests.



In Toronto, the Consulate General of Sri Lanka organized a flag hoisting ceremony as part of the Independence Day celebrations  at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario with the participation of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Ted Arnott, Members of the Provincial Parliament, Members of the Consular Corps, dignitaries and Sri Lankan community residing in Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and its suburbs. This is the first time in the history of Sri Lanka-Canada relations that the Consulate General of Sri Lanka organised a flag hoisting ceremony at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

The event commenced with the hoisting of the National Flag by Consul General of Sri Lanka Kapila Jayaweera followed by singing of the National Anthems of Sri Lanka and the Canada.

Addressing the gathering, the Hon. Speaker said that Canada and Sri Lanka have been long standing bilateral partners and expects the relationship to strengthen further.

In his remarks, the Consul General Kapila Jayaweera expressed appreciation to Canada for the strong support and contributions wowards implementing development projects in Sri Lanka, and urged Sri Lankans in GTA to unite and work together for the benefit of all Sri Lankan expatriates and the motherland. He expressed profound satisfaction over the progress achieved in exports to Canada which have increased by 11.5 per cent from 2018 to 2019 and Canadian direct investment in Sri Lanka which totalled $19 million in 2018.

During the event, MPP from the Ontario Liberal Party and former Premier of Ontario Kathleen O Wynne delivered her remarks and the felicitation message from Liberal Party Leader MPP John Fraser and the felicitation message from MPP from the Green Party Mike Schreiner, was read out by the Deputy Consul General. The event ended with a grand reception at the Legislative Assembly.


The 72 Anniversary of the Independence of Sri Lanka was commemorated at the premises of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Beijing with the participation of the staff of the Embassy. The commemoration was conducted on a small scale due to the prevailing coronavirus outbreak in China.

The event commenced with the hoisting of the National flag by Charge d’ Affaires at the Sri Lankan embassy, K. K. Yoganaadan followed by singing of the National Anthem, and observing of two minute silence in honour of the national heroes of Sri Lanka. While wishing all staff a happy Independence Day, Mr. Yoganaadan, mentioned that Sri Lanka would not have been able to achieve today’s prosperity without the determination and the sacrifices of the national heroes in safeguarding the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. He further stated that it is the duty of all Sri Lankans to work towards the development of the country. He expressed Sri Lanka’s solidarity with China in this challenging hour. The ceremony concluded with offering Sri Lankan traditional refreshments Kiribath, and Kokis.


The Sri Lankan Community in Cyprus celebrate the 72nd National Day in Nicosia, capital of Cyprus in a fitting manner. Expressing solidarity with fellow Sri Lankans around the world and as a mark of respect to the motherland, the Sri Lankan community showcased their inherited talents by performing several traditional folk music and dancing acts in front of a large crowd that had gathered at the Sri Lanka Consulate General premises. The communit members had arrived for the event from all major cities in Cyprus.

Following the establishment of the Sri Lanka Consulate General in Nicosia January last year, this is the first time that the National Day was celebrated with the participation of a wider section of the Sri Lankan community in Cyprus.


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Jakarta organized a reception for the Sri Lankan community on 04 February 2020 to celebrate the 72nd Anniversary of National Independence Day at the Embassy premises.

The celebrations commenced with the hoisting of the national flag by Yasoja Gunasekara, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Indonesia followed by singing of the national anthem. Thereafter, two minutes silence was observed to commemorate war heroes and all those who sacrificed their lives on behalf of the Motherland. A tree planting ceremony symbolising the 72nd Anniversary of national independence took place at the Embassy premises thereafter.

The staff of the Embassy and Sri Lankan community participated in multi-faith religious observances which were followed by the lighting of the traditional oil lamp.
Addressing the gathering, the Ambassador recalled the efforts of Sri Lankan national heroes to gain independence and invited Sri Lankan nationals and companies in Indonesia to join hands with the Government of Sri Lanka in the important endeavours of taking our country forward into an era of prosperity. At the end of the programme lunch was served featuring Sri Lankan cuisine.


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Tokyo celebrated Independence Day at “Reiyukai” Institute. Senior Japanese Government officials, former Japanese Ambassadors to Sri Lanka, Buddhists monks representing 7 temples, members of all Sri Lankan Associations in Tokyo, Sri Lankan expatriates and Japanese friends attended the celebration.



The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Beirut celebrated the 72nd Anniversary of Independence Day in two sessions. The morning session was held at the Chancery premises for Sri Lankans in Lebanon. Sri Lanka Army officers attached to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) also attended the event. Ambassador Shani Calyaneratne Karunaratne hoisted the national flag amidst the Magul bera followed by the national anthem. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the nation. Multi-faith prayers were conducted by Reverend Balavinne Sudheera Thero from Kalutara, Jammiyathul Ulama Moulavi Al Sheik Hassan Merbeb, Rev. Father Emil Dagher and Mr. R. Shivarajah representing Buddhist, Islam, Catholic and Hindu religions respectively.

The Sri Lankan Ambassador also hosted a grand diplomatic reception on the same day evening with the attendance of diplomatic corps, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, officials representing Lebanese authorities and International Organisations based in Beirut, business personnel and tour operators, members of the Sri Lankan associations in Lebanon and members of media at the Lancaster Tamar Hotel in Hazmieh. The guests of the honour of the event were Cesar Abi Khalil, MP, representing President of Lebanon, Gen. Michel Aoun, Justice Mahmoud Makkieh, Secretary-General to the Council of Ministers and Director General of Presidency of the Council of Ministers, representing the Prime Minister, Dr. Hassan Diab and Chief of protocol, Ambassador Najla Riachi representing Nassif Hetti, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants.

The ceremony commenced with the playing of the national anthems of Lebanon and Sri Lanka followed by the address by Ambassador Karunaratne, who enumerated the initiations led by President Rajapaksa along with the manifesto and emphasising the further development of the existing strong bilateral relations with Lebanon in the arenas of political, economic, trade, tourism and labour for the mutual benefit of two friendly nations.

On the sidelines, a photography exhibition was unveiled to showcase Sri Lanka’s scenic nature captured by Nada Raphael and Joelle Sfeir of the Tourleb, a tour operating company in Lebanon engaged in eco-tourism outbound tours to Sri Lanka. An opportunity to taste flavours of Ceylon Tea was also offered in partnering with Gabriel Bocti Company, sole agent for Dilmah tea. A traditional Sri Lankan dance was also presented by Sri Lankan community.


The Embassy of Sri Lanka held a Flag Hoisting ceremony to celebrate the Sri Lanka Independence Day oat the Chancery in Oslo. The Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Samanmali Atalugama read the President’s speech at the Independence Day ceremony and addressed the gathering. Multi-faith religious observances were conducted invoking blessings on the people and the country. Sri Lanka expatriates from all the ethnic communities participated at the ceremony. The Chargé d’Affaires concluded the celebrations by hosting a dinner for all participants.



The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Oman marked the 72nd Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka with a programme that commenced with the hoisting of the national flag by Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, O.L Ameer Ajwad, singing the national anthem followed by observance of two-minute silence in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the motherland. Two minute silence was also observed in memory of Late Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said who passed away on 10 January 2020.

The Independence Day message of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was read by Ambassador Ameer Ajwad in Sinhala. Independence Day messages of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and Minister of Foreign Relations Dinesh Gunawardena were read by Third Secretary (E&W) R. Thilageswary in Tamil, and Minister W.A.K.S De Alwis in English.

Ambassador Ameer Ajwad invited all the members of Sri Lankan community who live in the Sultanate of Oman to join hands by extending their cooperation to work towards the realisation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s vision for peace and prosperity of Sri Lanka.


The Sri Lanka High Commission in London celebrated the 72nd Anniversary of the Independence of Sri Lanka with the Sri Lankan community living in the United Kingdom. The ceremony included hoisting of the national flag, singing the national anthem, conduct of multi-faith religious observances, observing two minutes silence in honour of all those who sacrificed their lives in defence of the Motherland, reading of independence day messages of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and Minister of Foreign Relations Dinesh Gunawardena, and address of the gathering by the Acting High Commissioner. The programme ended with the serving of refreshments including kiribath and traditional sweet meats.



The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Los Angeles celebrated the 72nd Independence Day Anniversary of Sri Lanka on 04 February 2020 in the Consulate General premises, amidst a large gathering of Sri Lankans and friends living in Los Angeles.

The National Flag of Sri Lanka was hoisted by Acting Consul General of Sri Lanka in Los Angeles H.M.B. Herath followed by singing of the National Anthem. Two minutes silence was also observed in remembrance of those who sacrificed their lives for the motherland followed by lighting the traditional oil lamp by the Acting Consul General, Sri Lankans representing all communities. Multi-faith religious observances were conducted in accordance with Buddhist, Hindu, Islam and Christian practices blessing the Nation.

Agga Maha Panditha Most Ven. Dr. Walpola Piyananda Thero, Chief Incumbent of Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara, Inter – Religious Advisor to the President of Sri Lanka and Chief Sangha of the United States of America and Canada delivered a “Anusasana” at the ceremony. Most Venerable Maha Sangha representing nine temples from various parts of California also attended the 72nd Independence Day celebrations.
Addressing the gathering, the Acting Consul General H.M.B. Herath highlighted the fact that the relations between the United States of America and Sri Lanka were constructive and long standing.


Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Prasanna Gamage, Staff of the Embassy, together with members of the Sri Lankan community in Ha Noi, senior officials of the Government of Vietnam led by Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam Phan Quan Hieu and members of the Diplomatic Corps in Ha Noi celebrated the 72nd Independence Day of Sri Lanka.

The celebrations commenced with the hoisting of the national flag by Ambassador Gamage, followed by singing of the national anthem. Thereafter, two minutes of silence were observed in memory of those who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the nation. The traditional oil lamp was lit by the Ambassador and other dignitaries, which was followed by multi-faith religious observances.

Delivering his National Day message, Ambassador Gamage emphasized upon the warm and friendly relations between Sri Lanka and Vietnam and highlighted the fact that both countries will be celebrating the establishment of 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year. Mr. Gamage underlined Sri Lanka’s embarking on a new path of development in formulating national policies which will focus on national security, stability and law and order in the country, while empowering the people’s economic well-being and livelihood. He also stressed upon the importance of the Sri Lankan community contributing to the betterment of its motherland.


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