Why I won’t give up on Sri Lanka and you shouldn’t either

LONDON, July 2019: Lonely Planet, the world’s No.1 travel guide has declared that Sri Lanka is still the world’s No. 1 destination to visit in 2019.

In a feature titled “Why I won’t give up on Sri Lanka and you shouldn’t either“, Lonely Planet reaffirmed its decision to endorse Sri Lanka as the best travel destination for this year inspite of a wave of instability that hit the island nation, following the Easter Sunday attacks in April.

The article published on the travel guide’s website referred to the fact that a large number of tourists cancelled their bookings in the aftermath of the attacks but noted that many countries have recently relaxed their travel advisories.

“Sri Lanka is a country generally appreciative of tourism. After all, the petite country has endured its fair share of hardship and the attacks in April 2019 just added to the list.

“The toll on tourism has been tremendous on the island state”, says Lonely Planet and points out that according to travel consultancy ForwardKeys, average net bookings to and within Sri Lanka fell 186% the week following the attack.

“While we don’t discount the fear many travellers feel, we should not allow events like this to deter us from continuing to explore, learn and break down stereotypes. In recent weeks, countries have softened their travel warnings to Sri Lanka, including the UK. The country has been upset, but continues to be an incredible place to visit. It still tops our Best in Travel for 2019.” the article states, adding that Sri Lanka deserves the top spot for its food, ‘epic train rides’, and scenic hills and beaches,

However, the publication has warned its readers to check the travel advisories issued by their respective governments before travelling to Sri Lanka. “At the present time, foreign governments are advising caution, but are not warning against travel to Sri Lanka,” the travel portal has stated. “Check the travel advisory information from your government for the latest travel advice.”

India, UK, US, Japan and many other top source markets for Sri Lanka have now revised their travel advisories issued on the island.



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