UNICEF condemns violence against children during protests in Sri Lanka

COLOMBO: In a direct indictment of the deteriorating situation in Sri Lanka, UNICEF has condemned the violence against children during ongoing protests.

UNICEF said in a statement that it was concerned with reports of violence during protests involving children and stressed that ‘All actors must guarantee the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, including for children.

“According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, children and adolescents have the right to participate and express their opinions on issues that affect them. The State, local communities and families have a shared responsibility to protect children and safeguard their rights.

“All acts of violence must stop. Every adult must act with a sense of responsibility and avoid exposing children to all forms of violence, including during protests. We call on law enforcement agencies to avoid the use of force and ensure that fundamental guarantees for the protection of children remain applicable everywhere, at all times”,” the UNICEF statement said.

The UNICEF statement follows appeals made by the Colombo-based Child Protection Alliance (CPA) to both the UN and Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, urging them to take necessary steps to protect the rights and lives of children.

In separate letters addressed to UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, Hanaa Singer-Hamdy and Justice (Retired) Rohini Marasinghe, Chairperson Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, the Co-Convenors of the CPA, Dr Tush Wickramanayaka and Kaushal Ranasinghe, drew their attention to a news item broadcast by ‘Sirasa News First’ on 6th May 2022, at 10.00 PM, which showed disturbing scenes of children injured by tear gas used to disperse unarmed protestors. 

“We demand an immediate inquiry on the above and urge you to protect and promote the rights of children and secure their lives, the true beneficiaries of the future of Sri Lanka’ the CPA said.


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